09/2024 bremen
feature with saint josy
produced by luca diebold
and johnbonjorno
cover by max grund
05/2024 bremen
music for shortfilm 'schwarm'
by max grund
produced by luca diebold
cover by max grund
10/2023 berlin
the new sound of the ep is a dark comeback of epilog, fusing epic and desperately angry athmospheres through electronic sounds, experimental drumkits and sirenlike vocals.
1.dressed in spit (music video)
5.tiny part (music video)
produced by luca diebold
cover art by max grund
on bandcamp
music video for 'tiny part'
directed by max grund
photo by thorben thuermer
04/2020 dijon, france
recording and release of the first album -
13 songs written and composed over four years that tell of everyday life and fear come together on the debut
an epilogue in english, german and french.
produced by studio triphon
cover art by fabian merbouh &
véra marie deubner